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Vydate 10% G


Vydate 10% G

A systemic and contact product produced by Corteva agriscience to control nematodes, piercing-sucking insects, and acaricides on various fruit and vegetable crops.

Active Substance:
  • Oxamyle 10% G
Mode of Action:
  • A cholinesterase inhibitor, Contact, and systemic. insecticide, acaricide, and nematicide. Absorbed by the foliage and roots, with translocation.
Product Features:
  • It has dual use as it targets root-infesting nematodes and piercing-sucking insects, mites, and leafminers.
  • It has a systemic and contact effect, as it moves from roots to leaves to control insects, and also moves from leaves to roots to target nematodes.
  • Eliminates the different stages of nematodes (eggs - larval stages).
  • It has no harmful effects on various vegetable and fruit crops.
  • Easy to use, as it can be added to the irrigation tank (fertilizer) or by spraying.
CropPestDosePre-harvest period
CitrusSlow decline Nematode25 Kg per-Feddan35 days
TomatoRoot-Knots nematode20 Kg per-Feddan15 days