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Lannate 90% SP


Lannate 90% SP

A carbamate insecticide used to Control of a wide range of insects (particularly Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera)
Produced by Corteva -USA.

Active Substance: 
  • Methomyl 90%
Mode of Action: 
  • Methomyl acts on the nervous system of the parasites as inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (also known as AchE), an enzyme that hydrolyzes acetylcholine (Ach). Ach is a molecule involved in the transmission of nervous signals from nerves to muscles (so-called neuromuscular junctions) and between neurons in the brain (so-called cholinergic brain synapses).
Product Features: 
  •  Effective control of a wide range of insects.
  • A dual-purpose pesticide that targets sucking insects and lepidoptera.
  • Chemically stable under high temperature conditions.
  • Can be tank-mixed with other labeled products such as fungicides, herbicides, or spray adjuvants.
  • Stable under different solution PH conditions

CropPestDose /100LPre-harvest period
MaizeCotton leaf worm75 gm12 days
PotatoCotton leaf worm75 gm6 days
TomatoCotton leaf worm75 gm3 days
Sugar beetCotton leaf worm75 gm7 days
Alfa alfaCotton leaf worm75 gm7 days