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Agree 50%WG


Agree 50%WG

A biological insecticide is specific for use against the lepidopterous larvae in a wide range of crops.Produce by Cettis -USA

Active Substance:
  • Bacillus thuringiensis aizawai 50%

Mode of Action:

Agree 50%WG bacterial midgut product can make his action by:-

  • Caterpillar consumes foliage treated with BT.
  • Within minutes, the toxin binds to specific receptors in the gut wall and the caterpillar stops feeding.
  • Within hours, the gut wall breaks down, allowing spores and normal gut bacteria to enter the body cavity, and the toxin dissolves.
  • In 1-2 days the caterpillar dies from septicemia as spores and gut bacteria
Product Features:
  • Agree50%WG contains two types of Bacillus Thuringiensis and not one type Aizawai-Kurstaki.
  • The method of effect is completely different from other chemical pesticides, which makes it effective against the larvae of Lepidoptera that have acquired immunity from other insecticides.
  • It does not have a pre-harvest period. It is used completely safely during collection
  • Holds a certificate of organic agriculture is included in the OMRI list
  • Very safe for the treated crop in all its stages
Instructions For Use:
  • Treatment is done towards newly hatched larvae and young ages at the beginning of their appearance.
  • We must cover all treated plants by product.
  • The best timing for spraying is at sunset in case of insect activity.
  • Spray solution PH must be on 5.

Recommendations :
CropPestDose /fedPre-harvest period
StrawberryCotton leaf worms) newly hatched insects)250gm0 days
TomatoTuta absoluta500 gm0 days