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Proximo 10 % EC
Proximo 10 % EC


Proximo 10 % EC

Insect Growth Regulator
Produced by the Spanish company AFRASA spain

Active Ingredient:
  • Pyriproxyfen
  • Proximo is a 10%, similar to growth hormone in insects, where it causes disturbances in the hormonal balance of insects (Adult and Nymph phases) followed by disorders in the synthesis of the youth hormone, which leads to the insect's inability to move from one phase to another.
Product Features:
  • Proximo is a 10%, acts as an ovicidal, preventing egg hatching preventing their development.
  • Proximo is 10%, strong effect on the first instars of the insects.
  • Proximo 10% adult insects, distorts the genitals and lays the insect non-fertile eggs.
  • Proximo 10%, can be mixed with light mineral oils when controlling insects sucking insects.
  • Proximo 10%, compatible with integrated control programs, and safe on vital enemies.
CropThousandsUsage ratePre-harvesting period
CitrusScale insects50cm / 100 liters of water10 days