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Plesiva star 60% WG


Plesiva star 60% WG

The best chooses to protect your crops against pests that are resistant to pesticides Produced by Syngenta.
New insecticide with dual effect consists of two active ingredients with two different modes of action following two chemical groups in IRAC so that plesiva star has given strong effectiveness. plesiva star compatible with IPM.

Active ingredients:
  • Cyantraniliprole 50%: Ryanodine receptor modulators, open the calcium channel in the muscle cells and flow the calcium ions to the cytoplasm that cause regulated muscle contraction that led to insect paralysis then stop feeding, at the end causes insects die.
  • Pymetrozine 10%: Chordotonal organ TRPV channel modulators (Nerve action), Bind to and disrupt the gating of Nan-Iva TRPV (Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid) channel complexes in chordotonal stretch receptor organs, which are critical for the senses of hearing, gravity, balance, acceleration, proprioception, and kinesthesia. This disrupts feeding and other behaviors in target insects.
Plesiva Star Properties

  • Safe to natural enemies
  • Need to mix with adjuvant to strong translaminar
  • Strong insecticide by feeding
  • It does not seep into groundwater
  • Move Acropetally
  • good elective for natural enemies
  • strong translaminar properties
  • Contact and feeding effect
  • It does not seep into groundwater
  • Average move Acropetally

Benefits and Features

  • protect crops against pests that are resistant to pesticides
  • One spray and good results
  • Safe for environment
  • appropriate for export crops
  • Appropriate for IPM program
  • A new mode of action
  • A large scale of target insects
  • Safe to natural enemies
  • A short period of PHI
  • Flexibility to use
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