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Pindar 13.6% OD


Pindar 13.6% OD

A selective herbicide that works against Broad and grass weeds in the rice crop
Produced by CORTEVA agriscience.

Active Ingredient :
  • Triclopyr-butotyl 12 %
  • Penoxsulam 1.6%
Mode of Action :
  • Penoxsulam works by blocking the biosynthesis of the enzyme acetolactate, which is responsible for the synthesis of amino acids.
  • Triclober works to cause a hormonal disorder inside the weeds, which affects the regularity of growth and then the death of the weeds.
Product Features:
  • A selective herbicide that works against most broadleaf and grassy weeds in rice crop.
  • It is safe for the wheat and does not cause any toxicity to the next crops
  • Safe for the environment and farm animals
  • A positive impact on productivity in terms of quantity and quality
  • Suitable for all types of rice
Official recommendation:
CropTarget weedsDosePHI
RiceEchinochloa crusgalli- Juncus Arabica- Cyperus rotundus-Cyperus difformis -Echinochloa colonum & broad leaves900 cm/F100 Day