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Oxyfen 24% Ec


Oxyfen 24% Ec

A selective herbicide used to control annual broadleaf weed in the onion crop. Produced by Afrasa,Spain

Active Ingredient :
  • Oxyfluorfen 24% Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)
Mode of Action :
  • Oxyfluorfen inhibits the formation of the chloroplast Photoporphyrinnogen oxidase, which is responsible for the formation of chlorophyll and electron transport chains in the plant cell, thereby impeding photosynthesis and reduction of energy compounds, resulting in the death of grass.
Product features:
  • It's used to control a wide range of broad leaf weeds.
  • Secure onion crop where it is used after germination.
  • Fast and stretched as it stays in the soil and prevents new weeds growing.
  • It's used after growing at low doses.
  • Used in nurseries and permanent fields.
Official recommendation:
CropTarget weedsDose
Onionannual broadleaf weed750 cm/F