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Titus 25%DF


Titus 25%DF

It is a selective herbicide based on sulfonylurea in the form of water-dispersible granules. The product is applied during post-emergence and helps control annual and perennial grasses and most broadleaf weeds in potatoes crops
Produced by Corteva -USA

Active Ingredient:
  • Rimsulfuron 25%
Mode of Action:
  • The product is quickly absorbed by leaves and redistributed to all the organs of the targeted weeds
  • Inhibits cellular division in growing tips, thus stopping the growth of sensitive weeds within a few hours after application
Product Features:
  • Flexible applications and low dose requirements for effective weed control
  • Translocate into the organs of resistant perennial weeds
  • Effective against metribuzin and terbuthylazine resistant weeds
  • Does not require crop rotation restrictions
  • Safe for humans and the environment
  • Very effective on Cyperus weeds
  • Cost-effective results
  • Rimsulfuron becomes rainfast 4 hours after application
Official Recommendation:
CropTarget weedsDosePHI
PotatoAnnual broadleaf and grassy weeds25gm/ Fed60 days