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Pantera 4% Ec


Pantera 4% Ec

It is used to control annual and perennial grass weeds in vegetables and broad-leaved crops.
Produced by Chemtura Company – USA

Active Ingredient :
  • Quizalofop-p-Tefuryl 4% Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)
Mode of Action :
  • A systemic pesticide that is rapidly absorbed by the leaves and moves within the plant parts through the Phloem and Xylem vessels and accumulates in the meristems areas to stop growth processes and the compound has its effect by inhibiting the action of the enzyme Acetyl coA Carboxylase, which leads to the lack of production of fatty acids necessary for building cell walls.
Product features:
  • Extensive treatment during grass life
  • High absorption in grass, where it absorbs within one hour after treatment
  • Secure at harvest under local conditions
  • The difficulty of degrading the pesticide inside the grass leads to a longer period of grass control.
Official recommendation:
CropTarget weedsDose
Cotton- PotatoesAnnual and perennial grass weeds500 cm/F