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Gardoprim plus gold 50% SC


Gardoprim plus gold 50% SC

Aselective herbicide that works against most annual monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds all over the worldwide from the corn cultivated experts Produced by Syngenta.

Active Ingredient :
  • S-metolachlor 312.5 g / L
  • Terbutylazine 197.5 g / L
Mode of Action :
  • One application after planting and before germination where cells stop dividing and cell elongation does not occur, led to a pass from the critical period without the competition of weeds
Product Features:
  • A selective herbicide that works against most Annual broadleaf and grassy weeds.
  • It is safe for the corn and does not cause any toxicity to the next crops
  • Early controlling the weeds before the competitive
  • Suitable for all types of corn
  • It can be used with all spray tools
  • Long-acting effective
Official recommendation:
CropTarget weedsDosePHI
CornAnnual broad &narrow leaves2 L/F90 Day