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Evisect S 50%SP


Evisect S 50%SP

A broad-spectrum insecticide used to control sucking and Lepidoptera  pests on a variety of crops
Produced by Nippon Kayaku -Japan

Active Substance: -
  • Thiocyclam hydrogen oxalate 50%
Mode of Action: -
  • A nereistoxin analogue insecticide. Selective, stomach acting with some contact action. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) channel blocker
Product Features: -
  • Effective control of a wide range of insects
  • Excellent knockdown and residual control
  • Degrades rapidly in the soil.
  • A shorter pre-harvest period in different crops.
  • Compatible with integrated pest management program (IPM)

CropPestDose /fedPre-harvest period
Tomatoleafminer500 gm3 days