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Dimilin 48% SC


Dimilin 48% SC

Insect growth organizations (IGR)

Active Ingredient: Diflubenzuron

  • Which is described in a new group of pesticides, namely non-traditional pesticides that interfere with the hormones of reproduction and youth.  Updated during the insect's growth stages, preventing it from moving from one phase to another by preventing the production of Chiten, the main component. It is an insect growth regulator that works in contact and as a contagious poison and is classified as a powerful egg pesticide that prevents the genetic development of insect eggs.
Product Feature:
  • Acts as a ovicidal egg pesticide where eggs are prevented from breathing - increasing the incubation period - interferes with the stages of genetic growth
  • Acts as a synthetization deterrent where it interferes in the stages of Cuticle synthesis - prevents the development and growth of insect skin - stops the process of reproduction and the insect does not complete its life cycle
Application Time:
  • It is preferable to use from egg laying where it inhibits growth and prevents genetic development
  • It is preferred to be used in the early stages of infection and prevents the reproduction of small larval reconstruction (fast-growing), so it refrains from feeding and fails to glide.

CropPestsThe dosePre-harvest period
CottonCotton leaf worm125cm /acre14 days
Sugar beetCotton leaf worm125 cm/acre-