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Zorvec Encantia 33% SE


Zorvec Encantia 33% SE

A new fungicide produced by Corteva Agriscience, a new technology in the world of fungicides
Fast effect...Strong efficacy...Extended protection

Active Substance: -
  • Oxathiapiprolin 3%
  • Famoxadone 50%
Mode of Action:
  • The product is characterized by containing 2 active ingredients, wherein oxathiapiproline inhibits the oxysterol bonds in the protein, which is a new and unique way of effect, and famoxadone works on the respiratory system by inhibiting electron transfer in the mitochondria in cytochrome C in the III complex. The two mechanisms together speed up Unprecedented stop the fungus while ensuring a sure and permanent efficacy and giving extended protection for up to 14 days.
Product Features: -
  • A revolutionary innovation in the world of fungicides offered by Corteva Agriscience.
  • Extended protection up to 14 days to obtain better and higher productivity even in unsuitable environmental conditions.
  • The longest impact period on the late blight disease.
  • The fastest absorption inside the plant in no more than 20 minutes.
  • A combination of 2 active ingredients that affect all stages of the life cycle of the pathogen so zorvec encantia is a preventive, curative, and eradication.
  • It spreads quickly inside the plant, as it works by contact, systemically, and translaminar activity.
  • Controls the disease within one to two days after spraying.
  • There is no resistance.
  • Flexibility in the application and low dose.
  • Safe for humans, animals, and the environment.


CropDiseasesDosePre-harvest period
potatoLate blights200 cm per-feddan14 days
TomatoLate blights175 cm per-feddan14 days