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Monceren G 37%FS


Monceren G 37%FS

A Seed treatment fungicide / insecticide Mixture of two active ingredients. A non-systemic, protective fungicide with long-lasting activity, as well as a systemic insecticide with excellent performance against sucking insects

Monceren G is used for protecting potato from sucking pest (Aphids) and Black scurf (Rhizocotonia) and it is ideal for integrated crop protection and resistance management.

Produced by: Gowan - USA

Active Substance:
  • Pencycuron 25%
  • Imidacloprid 12%
  • Pencycuron is lipophilic, so it can penetrate the plant cuticle, but remains there, without secondary redistribution into leaf tissue.
  • Imidacloprid binds to the acetylcholine receptors of the postsynaptic membrane of the next fiber and, unlike the natural stimulus transmitter acetylcholine, cannot be broken down by acetylcholinesterase. The result is persistent stimulation of the target organs
Product Features:
  • Its color is red, making it easy to identify the treated tubers from the untreated ones.
  • It affects a wide range of fungal and insect diseases.
  • It gives protection to the root zone, which provides a suitable environment for the growth of a strong root system.
  • There is no resistance.
  • Monceren g based on the form of FS (Flow Center for Seed Treatment), which is the specialized form for treating seeds and tubers.
  • It does not cause clogging of the spray nozzles used in the treatment
  • Chemically stable in Egyptian soil conditions.
  • It forms a halo around the tuber, which provides protection for all parts of the roots and stems for long periods.
  • Its effect is extended up to 6: 8 weeks after germination.
  • It is used in low doses
  • Safe on all beneficial microorganisms in the soil.
PotatoAphid – soil fungi600cc/ton70 days