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Salfolac 80% WG


Salfolac 80% WG

A protective fungal pesticide that is notserved against diseases of micropastic whiteness, scabies and perforation, andisalso effective against acarus and spiders.
Produced by Agroshtolen , Germany

Active substance: Sulfur 80%
ChemicalGroup: Inorganic Inorganic Inorganic

Introduction to Sulfolac 80%WG :
  • Micron sulfur in the form of granules that can spread in water results in a homogeneous solution that is easy to use to eliminate fungal diseases and acarusate.
  • It can be used safely on field crops, vegetables, fruit treesand ornamental plants.
  • It can be used at all stages of plant growth and also during counterfeiting and is effective at low and high temperatures and is tolerated by the plant more than other sulfurpowders.
  • A protective contact pesticide with a high vapor effect.
  • It is very effective in the diseaseof micro-whiteness andtry apples and perforation in the fruit with a stone nucleus as well as effective in eliminating acarus and spiders(Acariformes Order) such as citrus rust acarus, acarus buds, red spider and brown spider.
Sulfolak Features 80%WG :
  • It is characterized by the small size of its granules, which range only from 1:3 microns, while the granules of some other compounds reach up to 6 microns.
  • The degree of melting is high anddistributes its granules efficiently and homogenously on the surface of the leaves to give the highest effectiveness to prevent the spread of mushrooms and eliminate spiders.
  • A high-purity compound that produces no dust.
  • The compound produces ahomogeneous, cluster-free ingulation that does not cause the blockage of the spray holes or the combustion of the leaves and does notresult in the presenceof spray protectors on the fruits.
  • It has excellent adhesion ability and high permeability and in the case of waxy leaves such as citrus it is recommended to adda diffuser material to the solution.
  • An important nutrient for plants against symptoms of sulfur deficiency.
  • It does not pose a risk to vital enemies or beneficial insects when used at recommended rates.
  • Take into account not mixing it with mineral oils and phosphorous pesticides.

Ministry of Agriculture recommendations:

CropScourgeThe dosePre-harvest PHI
PepperFlour whiteness250 g / 100 liters of water1 day