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Ridomel Gold Plus 71.5% WP


Ridomel Gold Plus 71.5% WP

A unique formula for an efficient management downy mildew and late blight
Produce by Syngenta -Switzerland

Active Material:

  • Minfanoxam + Copper hydroxide
  • Ridomil Gold Plus manages many fungal diseases to ensure a heavy high-quality crop, use to manage many fungal diseases with high efficiency, as downy mildew and late blight diseases in many crops, like potato, tomato, grape, onion and many vegetable crops.
  • Ridomil Gold Plus is the optimum pesticide for plant treatment in the initial growth stages with full extended protection.
Product Features:
  • Quickly permeates the surface of the leaves and gets inside the tissues.
  • It has a high degree of safety on treated plants.
  • Works on a wide range of fungal diseases.
  • The package fits the necessary dosage.
  • Contains two active substances with an integrated effect.
  • Can be used on a wide range of crops
CropDiseasesUsage rate /100lPre-harvest period
OnionDowny mildew200 g14 days
PotatoesLate blight200 g7 days
TomatoesLate blight200 g3 days
GrapesDowny mildew150 g12 days