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Fungicide with protective and curative action for the control of grey mold in different crops
Produced by UPL - Belgium

Active Substance:
  • Pyrimethanil 40%
  • Pyrimethanil interacts with fungal membranes in a way that makes them impermeable for the secretion of enzymes required to digest plant tissue. Plant cell destruction and nutrient uptake from host tissue are inhibited and mycelium formation is impossible. Subsequent stages of the disease are thereby also prevented, including conidiophore formation and sporulation.
Product Features:
  • Pyrimethanil has translaminar activity and systemic
  • Providing a high degree of rainfastness.
  • Pyrus 400SC is not cross-resistant to other chemical groups.
  • Vapour action-hence ability to reach untreated parts of the plan
  • Favorable toxicological, environmental, and residue profile.
  • Mixable with calcium

CropDiseasesDose /100lPre-harvest period
CucumberBotrytis100 cm7 days