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Emerald NRG 18% SC


Emerald NRG 18% SC

A protective and curative Fungicide produced
Produced by : Isagro- Italy

Active Substance: 
  • Azoxystrobin 10%
  • Tetraconazole 8%
  • Azoxystrobin, where it stops energy production within the cell by closing the breathing chain and preventing ATP production within the mitochondria and thus preventing germ germination and the growth of mycelium, it works with contact, organ and erythematologic bacteria.
  • Tetracnazole inhibits the action of argysterol found in the membrane of the mushroom tube, which makes it unable to penetrate and cause injury and prevents the growth of mycelium.
Product Features: 
  • A preventive and systemic fungicide containing two substances each with a different effect on diseases.
  • Absorbed through leaves, roots and stems and can move inside the plant up and down, giving strong protection to all parts of the plant in general
  • It has very high steam pressure thanks to the presence of Tetraconazole, which makes it reach inaccessible places.
  • Highly efficient on a wide range of different fungi such as powdery mildew, downy mildew, and leaf pots.
  • It has a long residual effect on the plant, which increases the protection period needed by the plant for 14-21 days.
  • Compatible with integrated control software
  • Safe for natural enemies and the environment
  • Low usage rate
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