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Acaricide Growth regulator (IGR)
Produced by AFRASA, Spain

Active Ingredient:
  • Hexythiazox 10 %
  • Contact acaricide product working as contact and stomach poison, affecting all stages of spiders (eggs, larvae, nymphs, females  make them lay non-fertile eggs). It is a growth regulator where it prevents the formation of ketin in larvae and nymphs and prevents its reproduction from one phase to another.
Product Features:
  • Pesticide with a semi-systemic (meso systemic) effect where it moves from the upper surface of the leaves to the lower surface(translaminar) .
  • It has a long, extended and effective effect on spiders up to 14 days.
  • Used in very low doses
  • No resistant strains.
  • Compatible with IPM integrated control software
  • Security for natural enemies and the environment
  • Can be mixed with most insecticides and fungicides
  • Registered in EU countries and export lists
CantaloupeSpider mites20 gm7