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Crater 3.37% EC
Crater 3.37% EC


Crater 3.37% EC

A high-purity product produced by Afrasa Co - Spain to control mites and leafminers in various crops.

Active Substance:
  • Abamectin 3.37% EC
Mode of Action:
  • Abamectin affects the nervous system of the pest by moderating the chloride channels, thus causing paralysis and death of the target pest as soon as possible. Crater affects mites and pests by contact and stomach action. The pests that feed on it stop moving and activity, and therefore the process of feeding and laying eggs stops and the pest dies. It is also has a translaminar activity, and stored inside to affect the leafminers, and remains effective for a long time.
Product Features: 
  • Natural and safe, its products from microorganisms that live in the soil.
  • It has a dual effect as it works by contact and as a stomach poison.
  • Compatible with IPM.
  • low dose when compared with other target pesticides.
  • Completely safe on plants and has a long-acting effect.
  • It admits to mixing with most products and it is preferable to do a mixing trial.
CropPestDosePre-harvest period
PotatoSpider mite30 cm per 100 L12 days