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MaxiGrow Power 5/50/30


MaxiGrow Power 5/50/30

It is the new generation of fertilizers, complexed fertilizer with high content of phosphorus in the presence of the rest of the basic macro elements. Necessary for obtaining healthy and ideal growth of the plant without the appearance of symptoms of deficiency of these elements. It can be used for all crops.

Composition (W/W)

  • 5%N
  • 50% P2O5
  • 30%K2O
  • 6.73% S
Recommended doses:
  • Foliar application: 1 – 3 g / 1 Liter of water and repeated according to the plant's need
  • Irrigation by flooding: 3 kg / feddan, and repeated according to the plant's need
  • Drip irrigation and modern irrigation methods: 1 - 2 kg / feddan, and repeated according to the plant's need