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Folivex K
Folivex K


Folivex K

Balanced formula of growth stimulant that rich with Potassium specialized in increasing Fruit size and quality.

Composition (W/V):
  • 4.85% N
  • 7.8% P2O5
  • 15.6% K2O
  • 0.06% Zn-EDTA
  • 0.06% Mn-EDTA
  • 0.06% Cu-EDTA
  • 0.13% Fe-EDTA
  • 0.03% B
Recommended doses:

Foliar application: 3 – 4 applications during fruit cycle
1.25 – 2 Liters / Feddan (Cucumber – Cucurbits – strawberry – Tomatoes – Fruit trees – Citrus – Grapes – Coffee – Olives)
0.8 – 1.6 Liters / Feddan (Lettuce and leaf vegetables)
0.8 – 1.25 Liters / Feddan (Potato - sugar beet – Cereals - Maize – sorghum – Pea – Bean – Soybean Flowers - Ornamental crops)

Soil application (Drip irrigation): 3 – 4 applications during fruit cycle
4 – 6.25 Liters / Feddan as a Total dose (1 – 1.5 Liters / application) Horticultural crops - Fruit trees - Ornamental crops - Flowers – Potato - Sugar beet – Lettuce - Leaf vegetables.